Thoughts The RSS feed for Thoughts.

  • Dans ce train à grande vitesse qui me rapproche de l’océan Atlantique, je traverse des voiles de brumes cachant des paysages encore endormi, attendant le soleil pour dissiper les derniers vestiges de la nuit. #train #tgv #rennes

  • Metro Reading : “Timothy Leary and the Baby Boomers did not usher in the first psychedelic era,” Breen writes. “They ended it.”

    Book Review :

    When America First Dropped Acid Well before the hippies arrived, LSD and other hallucinogens were poised to enter the American mainstream.

  • Terminé la journée et même si je me sens pas encore guéris guéris, j’ai encore de l’énergie et le top c’est que ça fait 3 nuits que je dors, sans crampes et où je me réveille le matin, presque étonné d’avoir traversé la nuit sans douleurs.. j’aurais dû consulter plus vite.. au lieu de souffrir. arff

  • Un Jour va falloir aborder le rôle et la responsabilité des partis politiques dit traditionnel dans la montée de l’extrême droite, leur rôle dans la déconfiture des démocraties, leur abandon du progrès sociétale, notre abandon de la chose publique.

  • Testing

    This is a cute client for and I’m loving it! read more

  • À propos de barrières d'intimités à respecter, d'algorithmes et de plate-forme Tech

    J’ai encore un compte Facebook pour gérer la page / Hier je vais faire mon tour hebdomadaire pour voir si la page à besoin d’attention et je switch sur la section vidéo de FB et je tombe sur la vidéo d’Amélie Nothomb sur un bout (tragique) de sa vie … read more

  • Je me serais bien piné ce tweet :

    Mentions Likes Mutus News

    a blue magestic bird hovering down from the bluesky, in the bottom of the image, one can see leafs and the ground
  • The Mollusk hostile acquisition of #Twitter remains one of the biggest destruction of collective digital #memory in recent #History.

    One that will go down as one of the saddest and most toxic takeover of an ecosystem in the history of the web.

    #ElonMusk is a parasite in every sectors, not a genius.

  • Breaking down a internet illusion built on thin air but with a convincing voice.

    A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson

  • I don’t care which books you burn, but if you’re going to hurn religious holy books, I say, burn them all. Not just the one’s that aren’t your religion, take one of each and burn them equally. They all suck equally. Each one of them are used to control humans in one way or the other. #coercion

  • Émeute en France, déni d'une société en péril.

    Je crache ce texte en mode un peu coup de gueule sur ce qui tourne en loop sur quelques médias, quelques chaînes de TV et quelques “personnalités politiques” qui se la joue “bon père de famille”, sans parler d’un certain syndicats neofasciste près à partir en guerre … read more

  • Having a fight against #Firefox freaking out when entering a locally mounted #webdav folder, from which Firefox should simply read the damn file and upload it.

    Instead? Total freeze of Firefox and to some degree the entire system. It’s absurd!

  • “Jesus Christ was crucified for preaching without a police permit”


    Robert A. Heinlein, a stranger in a strange land.

  • I read this some 20 years ago : Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein 📚 and I find it fascinating how much I missed parts of it, I also noticed how it influenced me, how I took upon myself to learn and “grok” to discover the world, well, part of it at least :)

  • It’s amazing how one single “blank space” in one config file can stall an automation workflow 😅

  • So…what do we do about the fact, the open nature of the web and alternatives to corporate “social media” are being mined to train #LLM’s and ultimately, exclusively for profit endeavors, that don’t give a damn about IP much less people’s created value over time.

    How can we coexist?
  • Damn, had my #Arch laptop so outdated, took me a few hours to bring it to the present time.

  • Sad to hear Daniel Ellsberg has passed away. He was behind Pentagon Papers and a lot of “Good Trouble” #RIP

  • Spent a few hours upgrading #Funkwhale to 1.3.0, had some issue with the version tag, but did managed to upgrade postgres, migrations ✅ but still having an issue with #nginx while at the same time… My nginx appears to be running.. Will check tomorrow with a rested brain 😅

  • Overjoyed Melon Puffbird 😂