Category: Politics
Must Read & Share if you care about #privacy
Going Dark: The war on encryption is on the rise. Through a shady collaboration between the US and the EU. #mullvad #encryption
The role of activists throughout history is to call out injustice and highlight abuses of power - Clover Hogan
“We need to defend those who are brave enough to disrupt the status quo. Whether that’s X users clapping back at Elon with memes of their own, or the person who uses their voice at work, among friends, or at the dinner table, to highlight the urgency of the climate crisis and the importance of widespread action.”
Read the context here
This is bad bad news… Fani Willis Didn’t Stand a Chance, read it here
Trump might escape Justice on a perception problem used to recuse one of the few judges actually willing to do the job!
Une recap sur Navalny qui sur le fond, n’a pas grand chose à voir avec une véritable opposition à un régime, c’est juste une version diluée du colonialisme russe érigé en figure d’opposition, un myth
Alexei Navalny and Ukraine: how the Russian “opposition” leader’s team sees the end of the war
No offense but with Jon Stewart back at the Daily Show there is finally a stream of mainstream consciousness to make Americans THINK before voting for the next elections, it doesn’t change the fact there is an electile dysfunction & potentially a morbid democratic dysfunction if nothing is done.
Biden issues order targeting Jewish settler violence in West Bank
- Europe should do the same, Yesterday!

Jon Stewart is back! #Dailyshow
Just in time to rost the next US election with some spice!
Had to be done at some point 😅
Elon Musk retrospective by John Oliver - Last Week Tonight
Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies The infamy of Nixon’s foreign-policy architect sits, eternally, beside that of history’s worst mass murderers. A deeper shame attaches to the country that celebrates him
Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He’s the Favorite To Win
If you’re American eating popcorn to see how the season is going to end, it’s not going to save your a**
Start Doing Something Now!
À partir de quand les dérives du Mollusk seront-elles de trop et la réponse plus qu'une pause publicitaire ?
À partir de quel moment, les institutions, les médias, les sociétés, les organisations décident que rester sur X c’est nourrir une dérive politique, idéologique et informationnelle qui va directement à l’encontre des démocraties abîmées, de leurs missions, de l’intérêt général qu’elles sont censées servir ?
Stay Away from Politics (or not) interesting read anyway…
The case to make Trump accountable.
“It stands to reason that the person who urged them to go to the Capitol and who stood the most to gain from interfering with the electoral count should also be held accountable.”
“They need us. We don’t need them:” The fall of Twitter is making the trolls and grifters desperate
Reading : Tania Bruguera: “We are being cut off from the possibility of thinking about what has not yet happened”