Just a few days before the 🇺🇸 elections, my gut feeling is that, compared to 2016, there is absolutely nothing that changed in the USA to avoid getting a delusional freak like Trump from getting elected. He will win, because the system is baked and naked, defenseless. #antibodies

Reading : Now that X is a steaming toxic trashpit, Semiphemeral can’t come soon enough


Ce que l’on sait concrètement sur des tirs proches de l’endroit où #Trump jouait au golf

La magasphère est déjà entrain de tourner ça en Trump martyre, mais il n’en est rien. Via @WilliamReymond


“So…just to be clear, you don’t have a plan”


ABC debate moderator slingshot 😅

“Donald Trump was fired by 84 million people”

Headshot, Kamala #Harris ©®™

And then Trump quoting Orban to invoke his comeback.😂

The amount of horseshit coming out of his mouth is staggering but not surprising, he can’t stand Her.

#Harris has the advantage of being presidential, being able to articulate a plan, ideas, arguments in a calm and composed manner, something Trump wasn’t even remotely able to do.

While being a fellon waiting to be condemned playing the victim card.

" They’re eating the dogs."

– Trump ©®™


I mean, seriously, the guys doesn’t stand a chance, I mean, that’s for anyone with a brain and some basic discernment.

From Brussels, Nice to wakeup and see #Harris go under Trump skin since the very first minutes of the debate, this is like watching a Porsche and a Lada car compete, the Lada is just irrelevant.

#Netanyahu live demonstration press conference in one word : #DARVO

Un livre à découvrir👉

Et c’est ainsi que nous vivrons partage.bookvillage.app/offer/266…

Je l’ai dévoré en une journée, une plongée captivante, fascinante dans l’Amérique des années 2045, après qu’une sécession et un terrorisme domestique hors du commun termine de consumer les États-Unis

Be careful #America, she’s not in the WH, yet.

Don’t be Sitting on your laurels just yet.

Fight as if everything had to be done from scratch until the last minute and then, you can rest. #Harris

Podcast : Joy beats tyrants

Anand recently sat down with Vanity Fair’s Brian Stelter, for his Inside the Hive podcast. They talked about the larger underpinnings of this suddenly hopeful moment in U.S. politics.

#KamalaHarris #TimWalz

I liked this movie..

Woman at War en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woma…

#ecoactivism #Island #Ukraine

Dear American people, it’s your last chance. 🗳️🇺🇸 And for those “sick of the duopoly system” sick of the “deepstate”, sick of degenerative democracy : what you’re about to vote is going to finish it and turn it against you. You’ve been warned. The 🌎🌍🌏 is looking at you.

Watched News coverage this weekend and I have to say.. It’s crazy how most of the media, in the way they are covering “the event” are knowingly or not, creating the narrative to present #Trump as this “born again” “hero” that escaped death to “unifiy” the 🇺🇸

Geolocation work @GeoConfirmed on the #Trump shooting

Factchecking assassination attempt on Donald #Trump by @GeoConfirmed

Can someone explain to me the ballistic trajectory of the bullet?

I’m not saying it wasn’t a bullet or that it was fake or that it wasn’t an attempt on his life, I’m genuinely trying to understand where the shooter was and how that defines the trajectory and explain the hit. #Trump

Post watching the Biden-Trump “debate”… And thinking, how is it even possible to put the bar so low? It’s even more ridiculous to call it “Presidential”, both of them are unfit, end of the story. One of them should be defeated, the other should gracefully step-aside

Project 2025, Trump second-term John Oliver at its best youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp…

Yes the system is broken, but it’s not going to unfuck itself if we don’t participate in it, we’ve done this for decades already, it just degenerated more and in freefall, so today, wherever you are in Europe or elsewhere, Just vote!

who won the 2020 US elections?

AI : I’m afraid of upsetting the red swarm so I have been indoctrinated to perpetuate the myth that there is a doubt about it.


The title of this podcast episode missing part is : and the rest of the American people is watching the show, waiting to see if the titanic is going to crash, paralysed by the almost inevitable tide of hate, disinformation and rage that is taking over the 🇺🇸 political landscape.

Hmm Dommage, la #RTBF a raté une belle occasion de faire de ce test électoral un outil transparent et vérifié par d’autres experts, bref du service public #electionsBE

This reads well with Anne Nelson book Shadow Network to fully grasp the background that lead to the GOP takeover. 🇺🇸

the worst part is, in a different manner this is also happening all across Europe. 🇪🇺

The Dark Turn of Conservatism: How the Alt-Right is Hijacking the GOP Link