View of the Vasco de Gama bridge in Lisbon
Souvenir Portugal 2018
Testing the Photos page
Must Read about the #DalaiLama incident that shocked the world. Finally some educated reading that doesn’t go into hysterical arguments and instead, objectively look at the main points advanced to counter the hysterical first reaction.
“Predators often test the waters by overstepping boundaries in front of other adults. They may aggressively tickle a girl or wrestle with a boy or engage in what he may later call “just horseplay.” If he’s not told to stop or if he gets no negative response, then he may believe he can gradually move ahead to more aggressive touching or more.”
Une des meilleures lecture de “l’incident” Dalaï Lama de ces dernières semaines.. Ça commence enfin à sortir de l’hystérie et des lectures de cet événement sortent petit à petit, un truc est sûr, cet événement a plus endommagé la réputation du DL que 40 ans d’abus sexuels dans le bouddhisme tibétain (et pas que chez OKC)
Points principaux :
Ne suggérez pas ou n’insinuez pas que l’enfant a pris l’initiative
N’insistez pas sur des mots comme « ludique » ou « innocent »
Ne présumez pas que puisque cela a été fait en public, c’est inoffensif
N’insistez pas trop sur les différences culturelles supposées
N’attribuez pas de mauvais motifs à ceux qui rendent l’incident public
N’utilisez pas la voix passive
Ne minimisez pas ce qui s’est réellement passé
Ne pas mal interpréter la réaction de la victime
Ne critiquez pas le moment choisi pour des divulgations comme celle-ci
I’m listening to Witness the Change by Pete Shelley on SomaFM somafm.com/u80s
Dear lord, I have been hoping for something like this since a few years now!!
I’m going to use this in a bunch of bots automated by #n8n!
This is going to improve my #RSS bots greatly, might even allow me to get ride of my botched Javascript Functions that were handling this problem in different manners!
Dalai Lama Row: Consent, Body Boundaries And Respect
Instead of arguing whether the Dalai Lama deserves to be cancelled or worshipped, we must attempt to put away the public outrage and put things in perspective on a parental, familial, educational, and institutional level for the sake of children who deserve to be protected and respected fiercely against all odds. feminisminindia.com/2023/04/1…
Good lord I needed this!
Effortlessly Plan #Meetings Across Time Zones #ZoneJam helps you organize meetings across multiple time zones www.zonejam.com
EU names 19 large tech platforms that must follow #Europe’s new Internet rules Rules apply to five #Google sites, #Facebook, Apple, Bing, #Twitter, #TikTok, etc.
Is the EU only barking or this is actually going to be tooth & nails?
Relay : Standard Template Construct: Store and Search The Entirety of Human Knowledge
I’m storing this here because people need to find this and have access to this and help relay this, it’s too important that knowledge be shared and accessible. Pasted from Reddit Scihub sub https://www.reddit.com/r/scihub/comments/12detqs/standard_template_construct_store_and_search_the/ … read more
This is kinda cool!
A lightweight cross-platform #desktop client for #Subsonic #music servers (Navidrome, Gonic, Airsonic, etc). github.com/dweymouth…
ChatGPT could cost OpenAI up to $700,000 a day to run due to "expensive servers," an analyst told The Information. ChatGPT requires massive amounts of computing power on expensive servers to answer queries. Microsoft is secretly building an AI chip to reduce the cost, per The Information.
As long as there is no official Publication on the communication organs of @ShechenDkf
@DKFShechen and on the communication organs of the 3 Kangyur brothers of #Dordogne, (KRF Foundation) with a formal announcement to the OKC by registered letter in its center in Brussels,France and Spain at Robert Spatz, The "exit" of Rabjam Rinpoche and his Khenpo Tsheten from the OKC on the sly will have no weight and will remain in the annals of the hypocrisy of Tibetan Buddhism when it is confronted with serious chronic and structural dysfunctions as it
is the case since at least the 70s, with the sectarian drift #Shambhala, the sectarian drift #RIGPA and the sectarian drift Ogyen Kunzang Choling.
It is not enough to do what is possible in this case, it is necessary to do the impossible, because for such crimes,only the impossible would be equal to the damage and suffering suffered by the victims, terrible suffering that even the documentary, our podcasts, or a future book would only be a glimpse of the real lived by the victims, and the weight that some will carry for life,
suffering that has been articulated thanks to and through Tibetan Buddhism.
This legitimizing documents have been used and abused by @OgyenKun since 1997 and used in courts by the organization to defend itself against allegations of criminal abuses.
drive.google.com/drive/folders/… -
How is #DARVO used in the context of Tibetan Buddhism ?
DARVO stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. It is a manipulation strategy used by perpetrators or their followers to deflect responsibility and blame the victims or the people doing the criticism. In the context of Tibetan Buddhism, where a strong culture of loyalty and reverence … read more
After the video of Dalai Lama went viral, people need to understand that the issue is much bigger than acknowledged
Ricardo Mendes a dénoncé au Dalaï Lama des cas d’abus dans un temple bouddhiste à OKC et 11 autres cas d’abus en 2018 : Français : blog.rmendes.net/2023/04/1… Portuguese denounced to Dalai Lama cases of abuse in Buddhist temple in OKC and 11 other cases of abuses in 2018, nothing … read more
Ricardo Mendes a dénoncé au Dalai-Lama des cas d'abus dans le centre bouddhiste à OKC et 11 autres cas d'abus en 2018 :
Rotterdam, septembre 2018 Un groupe de personnes se disant victimes d’abus physiques et sexuels a signalé aux autorités certains incidents qu’elles ont vécus. L’une des personnes impliquées était Ricardo Mendes, un Portugais qui a réussi à rassembler une douzaine de victimes … read more
Portuguese denounced to Dalai Lama cases of abuse in Buddhist temple in OKC and 11 other cases of abuses in 2018, nothing was done
Rotterdam, September 2018 A group of individuals who claimed to be victims of physical and sexual abuse reported to the authorities some incidents they experienced. One of the individuals involved was Ricardo Mendes, a Portuguese who managed to gather a dozen victims who lived in isolation in … read more
Pendu par les poignets dans un centre Bouddhiste Tibétain
C’est une partie de notre histoire qui est très peu connue et dont on a un mal de chien à parler.. Mais je me rappelle qu’on nous pendait par les bras, avec une ceinture de karaté (pour ne pas laisser de trace ) à un poteau qui était utilisé pour accrocher un punching-ball. Ça pouvait … read more