Some 2k subreddits have reopen their gates.. Votes are ongoing across many more to decide what to do.. Vote to strike indefinitely !
Well, cross-posting to #twitter is now gone from micro.blog @manton@mastodon.social
Hmmm Twitter a encore tué une partie de l’écosystème développeur, toute une série d’application sont morte ces derniers jours.
It’s now a thing, we have raining #plastic plasticforecast.com
Webinar : Mitigating #DDOS in the #Fediverse with #Mastodon
Elon Musk investing on its own demise is so “genius” 😂
Twitter Vendor Non-payment lawsuits cases.
J’écoute “L’Heure bleue” sur Radio France, l’histoire de Geneviève Fraisse, mai 68, fémininisme www.radiofrance.fr/franceint…
Les pieds dans l’eau… Et podcast dans les oreilles, manque plus que des bières et les amis 😊
Curious to check the #penpot app for #cloudron one of the first apps with OpenID connect integration into the Cloudron ID provider
Finished reading: Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell 📚
Wireless Ear Clip Bone Conduction Headphones🎧
Finally got my Wireless Ear Clip Bone Conduction Headphones🎧 and I must say I’m quite surprised, this is really cool, I can even run, they don’t fall, I don’t have to try to make them fit my ridiculously small ear hole that refuse any earbuds, yes even the smaller size… With this I get music and awareness of surrounding, it’s really great!
Amen to that! Happens to me everyday and I forget "it's not that simple"
“Technical people are blind to the fact they automatically solve dozens of problems every day in their regular workflow, any single one big enough to block another user for a few hours. Without even thinking about it.”
Ready to resist #Youtube abuse of dominant position?
Big Tech behaving like bullies.
YouTube legal team asked Invidious developers to take down the service within 7 days
How’s #Reddit CEO having his coffee this morning? #RedditBlackout #RedditGoesDark
8162/8725 subreddits are currently dark.
So I have been cross-posting from my blog to Twitter, Mastodon, Bluesky, Nostr (granted I don’t have the same number of followers on each) but the point is : where I get the most interactions is on the #fediverse. This is written from my micro.blog blog.rmendes.net
Édouard Durand, magistrat, coprésident de la commission indépendante sur l’inceste et les violences sexuelles dans l’enfance (Ciivise), révèle que les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants coûtent 9,7 milliards d’euros par an.
Lemmy Communities Browser, an attempt to map corresponding #reddit subs to their fediverse home.
He would be up in arms against Reddit and probably building the open web with the rest of us, or at least I like to think so.
What Would Aaron Swartz Think Of Reddit’s Ridiculous New Direction? www.techdirt.com/2023/06/1…
Aujourd'hui, il y a 4 ans, c'était le jugement de l'affaire juridique (belge la plus oubliée de l'histoire) OKC-Spatz
Aujourd’hui il y a 4 ans, c’était le Jugement du tribunal de Liège dans l’affaire juridique belge OKC-Spatz. 5 ans avec sursis. Reconnu coupable d’abus de faiblesse, abus sexuels, tortures sur des enfants/adolescents.
Le travail n’est pas fini, et oui il y a une explication à ces 5 ans avec sursis, une explication rationnelle, même si elle est dur à accepter, le droit c’est le droit, sans aucun doute qu’il y a des lois à changer et la prescription d’abus sexuels sur mineurs a envoyer aux oubliettes de l’histoire, mais ce jugement c’est aussi un précédent juridique qui va nous permettre d’achever l’hydre de la OKC une bonne fois pour toutes.
Feels like 🇺🇸 2024 will be like no electoral races before. And Twitter is here to help the fundamentalist swarm
It’s really interesting and worrisome to think about latest weaponized technology developments and the role of the platforms such as YouTube (and alternatives) and Twitter (and alternatives) in the context of the book, Shadow Network by Anne Nelson.
Fox Reportedly Sends Tucker Carlson Cease-And-Desist Letter Over Twitter Show