the Internet is such a magical place : sub.rehab and redditmigration.com two sites to track where the redditverse is expanding outside #reddit
The era of platformed swarm #obscurantism where science is a belief.
Joe Rogan Offers Scientist $100,000 To Debate #Vaccines With RFK Jr. On His Show
Python & ActivityPub, initial research
A bunch of Python related ressources and ActivityPub
These are examples of ActivityPub server implementations written in Python:
- ActivityPub Example: An example of an ActivityPub server implementation written in Python.
- dsblank/activitypub: Prototyping a Python ActivityPub distributed server in Tornado.
- pylodon: Flask-based ActivityPub server implementation. Source: GitHub - BasixKOR/awesome-activitypub
These are libraries that can help you with implementing ActivityPub:
- activity: ActivityPub library for Golang.
- activitypub-php: A library to turn any PHP project into a full ActivityPub implementation. Source: GitHub - BasixKOR/awesome-activitypub
Other Resources
Here are some Python libraries and resources that might be useful:
- atoot: A library providing an easy way to create Mastodon API applications. Source: delightful-activitypub-development - Codeberg.org
- Federation: Library to abstract social web federation protocols like ActivityPub, Diaspora, and Matrix. Source: delightful-activitypub-development - Codeberg.org
- fuwuqi: A server for ActivityPub enthusiasts. Source: delightful-activitypub-development - Codeberg.org
- Little Boxes: A tiny ActivityPub framework that is both database and server agnostic. Source: delightful-activitypub-development - Codeberg.org
- Mastodon.py: A Python wrapper for the Mastodon API. Source: delightful-activitypub-development - Codeberg.org
- pynodeinfo: NodeInfo library implemented with poetry. Source: delightful-activitypub-development - Codeberg.org
- Python ActivityPub: A general ActivityPub library. Source: delightful-activitypub-development - Codeberg.org
Remember to check each resource to see if it’s suitable for your project’s specific needs and constraints.
😂 The price of messing with People :
Hundreds of people are putting money on whether the company will back-track on its new API pricing policy or oust its CEO Steve #Huffman, #BetUS told Insider.
Users don’t need to mutiny, #Reddit is setting itself on fire just by the relentless denial of its CEO
BlackCat claims they hacked Reddit and will leak the data
It’s amazing how one single “blank space” in one config file can stall an automation workflow 😅
Unpacking the claim to not prosecute #Trump
The claims that there is a norm against prosecuting a former president, if we look very carefully, actually turn out to be three slightly different claims. All are wrong.
So…what do we do about the fact, the open nature of the web and alternatives to corporate “social media” are being mined to train #LLM’s and ultimately, exclusively for profit endeavors, that don’t give a damn about IP much less people’s created value over time.
Damn, had my #Arch laptop so outdated, took me a few hours to bring it to the present time.
Hmmm @manton just to let you know that something must have changed at Nostr because cross-posting is broken since June 3, it was working fine though prior to that date.
Un étranger en terre étrange - Robert A. Heinlein
La première fois que j’ai lu “un étranger en terre étrange” ça m’a fasciné, je devais avoir 17 ou 18 ans, j’étais encore dans la secte et mon passe temps favoris, avant d’acquérir un ordinateur, c’était dévorer des bibliothèques, j’étais tombé sur un tas de bouquin de SF, il y avait du Azimov, Heinlein et d’autres auteurs américains et français, tous traduit en portugais, j’ai ouvert la porte de la SF et je savais plus m’arrêter de lire.
Dans ce bouquin Heinlein décrit l’émergence d’un prophète moderne qui finit par incarner et devenir ce que les humains projettent en lui, héro presque malgré lui de sa propre tragédie et de son succès aussi, ce livre en fait c’est une critique du besoin humain d’adoration et de recherche de supernaturel, mais aussi du besoin d’appartenir à quelque chose de plus grand que soi, quelque chose qui nous dépasse.
Deleted all my comments & posts #reddit then I deleted my account. #byebye
How to Delete All Your #Reddit Posts and Comments on Web Browser www.guidingtech.com/how-to-de…
Reddit goes dark, misses the moment in the name of "growing up and be an adult" becoming obsolete by its own choice
According to Casey Newton, “It seems also notable that Reddit is moving to centralize control of its ecosystem at the precise time that the rest of industry has begun to explore more federated models. When even Meta is preparing to launch a decentralized social network, it’s fair to ask whether Reddit has misread the moment.” www.platformer.news/p/reddit-…
Prix SCAM de l’investigation, Bouddhisme, la loi du silence. youtu.be/XcbpwOzoe…
Internet Reality Reckoning : People are subsidizing #Reddit to make millions, Huffman is just mad that 2 apps are taking their cake, the real value here is You, not infrastructure.
Not sure everyone is aware but #Spoutible? With it’s mobile app? (iOs coming next week) it’s sleek, it’s fast, it’s fun and it’s well moderated!!
The only thing anyone here will miss is their community and friends but the people over there are really neat, really cool!
Peut-être qu’un jour, on arrivera à prouver que Yana était la “mère maquerelle” de Robert Spatz : celle qui organisait les abus sexuels, celle qui rabattait les victimes, avec la complicité d’autres évidemment, pour les subjuguer au service de Robert Spatz. #okcinfo
FauxNews producer behind #Biden ‘wannabe dictator’ chyron resigns
If #Trump gets elected, there will be ne resignations after this kind of fuckery, only more One-upmanship
Sad to hear Daniel Ellsberg has passed away. He was behind Pentagon Papers and a lot of “Good Trouble” #RIP