Openbuddhism.org analysis of the CTA suspension of Ogyen Kunzang Choling / Robert Spatz
On behalf of the Central Tibetan Administration, the Tibetan Cabinet suspended its previous endorsement of Robert Spatz’s organisation Ogyen Kunzang Choling (OKC).
Intéressant sur la Covid-19
“Listen to long COVID patients and believe them. Learn more and commit to prioritising research. Share the love and help support long COVID patients and do everything you can to lower your risk,” she said.
Un acte symbolique, mais nécessaire pour mettre la OKC et Robert Spatz hors jeu sur tous les plans.
🇬🇧 🇫🇷 plus bas ⬇️ Hear, Hear The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has suspended the recognition of the Ogyen Kunzang Cheuling center as a Buddhist center in response to allegations of sexual harassment against its founder, Robert Spatz. The CTA had previously recognized the center, but now … read more
En route vers le taf, Chillout in the Metro, Bonjour @toustes 🫣
Happy to be using many of these tools, both at home and work :)
au cœur des ténèbres, la lumière, parfois il faut la créer, parfois on a perdu le silex, le briquet ou l’étincelle pour l’allumer et puis parfois un enchaînement d’action qui en apparence n’ont pas l’air d’être les bonnes finissent par déclencher une étincelle et tout d’un coup, la lumière est là 🙈
Pfiouuu… quelle intensité dans cette journée 🥰 un peu de chillout avant de débrancher..
I’m listening to Groove Salad on SomaFM
Descent to Hell, how the Mollusk literally built his own demise and is the sole responsible for the first big lesson of his life : how to lose your shit like a broken bathroom toilet sink.
Elon’s Gordian Knot by ED ZITRON
Holy Crap, just what we needed for Christmas :
The Pentagon says a US warship and multiple commercial ships have come under attack in the Red Sea
The Xend : “Twitter isn’t real life” is a tired sound bite, but it’s never been more true than now. You really are screaming into the void when you post there"
even with a Blue Check It’s time to kill it
Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies The infamy of Nixon’s foreign-policy architect sits, eternally, beside that of history’s worst mass murderers. A deeper shame attaches to the country that celebrates him
Go F*** Yourself to Advertisers Boycotting X, I was looking for the next Xelon Mollusk meltdown, there we have it 😅
more growth for the Fediverse, Bluesky, Threads, is a good thing for the future of the internet.
Franchement la honte ces mecs 😡🤬
Backlash over fake female speakers shuts down developer conference Male organizer also accused of secretly running female coder Instagram account.
Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He’s the Favorite To Win
If you’re American eating popcorn to see how the season is going to end, it’s not going to save your a**
Start Doing Something Now!
Reading : the real AI fight
Faut que je test ça.. dalle.party #AI #feedbackloop
Terminé la journée et même si je me sens pas encore guéris guéris, j’ai encore de l’énergie et le top c’est que ça fait 3 nuits que je dors, sans crampes et où je me réveille le matin, presque étonné d’avoir traversé la nuit sans douleurs.. j’aurais dû consulter plus vite.. au lieu de souffrir. arff
Un Jour va falloir aborder le rôle et la responsabilité des partis politiques dit traditionnel dans la montée de l’extrême droite, leur rôle dans la déconfiture des démocraties, leur abandon du progrès sociétale, notre abandon de la chose publique.
Tech billionaires are buying up luxurious bunkers and hiring military security to survive a societal collapse they helped create, but like everything they do, it has unintended consequences